Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Do You Want to Build a Snowman?

Wow, another snowy Monday!  It seems that each year the weatherman picks a special day of the week to present us with what seems like mountains of snow and ice!

This week we will be doing a final wrap-up with our Lisa Funari Willover books, Garden State Adventure and For Hire.  We have been discussing each chapter as we have read; completing a short summary and answering "essential" questions.  It is time to look at the "big picture".  Our look-back will culminate with a written assessment Wednesday/Thursday.

We will also be taking our Reading and Writing Skills Midterm Assessment.  This is nothing new and not something to study for.  It is simply a snapshot of what skills are solid and what needs to be revisited.  Some of the topics included for reading are main idea, characters, setting, using graphic sources, compare/contrast, following directions, and determining theme.  Writing topics will include spelling, capitalization, transition words, verbs and verb tense, punctuation, sentence types, supporting details, word choice, idioms, run-on sentences and fragments.

We have a new addition to our class!  Olaf (more than six feet tall) has come to help us learn.  On our bulletin board we have large snowballs (with the end result being our Olaf snowman).  Students are now indicating understanding by raising their hand with one, two, or three fingers in the air.  One finger relates to one ball of a snowman (I don't understand, I'm confused).  A raised hand with two fingers up demonstrates learning (I'm building my skills, but need more practice).  A raised hand with three fingers raised demonstrates mastery (I've built my snowman, I get it).  We are having lots of fun learning with Olaf this winter season.

Spelling words this week:  bunch, fruit, argue, crumb, tune, crew, juice, refuse, truth, young, clue, trunk, amuse, suit, rude, trust, dew, stuck, rescue, brush, tissue, attitude.  
Bonus:  computer, mustard, customer

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